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Securing Access After the Cloudflare Bug & Data Leaks

The Cloudflare data leak impacted several sites using the popular CDN. Resetting session tokens and enabling 2FA can help affected sites protect their users' credentials.

Data Breaches, 2fa, Access Security, Cloud

Flipping Bits and Opening Doors: Reverse Engineering the Linear Wireless Security DX Protocol

A security researcher on the Duo Labs team details how he found several vulnerabilities in a wireless physical security system.

Reverse Engineering, Dx Protocol, Wireless Security, Labs Research

You Got the Touch: First Impressions of the 2017 MacBook Pro

Here are some first impressions of a resident Apple nerd’s experience with the 2017 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, including a review of the Secure Enclave Processor and Touch ID from a security perspective.

Google, Facebook Amp Up Authentication With Security Keys

Now Facebook and Google Suite users can use a security key to authenticate and verify their identities during login.

2fa, Google, Facebook, Security Keys, MFA

Banking Malware Dridex Targets U.K. Financial Institutions

A number of U.K.-based financial institutions were hit by a wave of financial banking malware, delivered via phishing email campaigns. Dridex is back this year with new techniques to bypass security and steal user data.

Financial Data Security, Banking Malware, Banking Trojans, Dridex