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203 results for tag Government:

Senators Ask For Transparency on Attacks on Senate Computers

Ron Wyden and Tom Cotton are asking the Senate Sergeant at Arms for numbers on cyber attacks on Senate computers.


‘People Have a Right to Free Speech, But a Bot Doesn’t’

In the era of disinformation, manipulation and influence operations, platform providers, enterprises, and government agencies are working to find policy and technical solutions.

Rsac2019, Government

Tech Giants Weigh In on U.S. Federal Data Privacy Law

There is bipartisan consensus in Congress that a federal data privacy law is necessary. Public policy experts from Google, Microsoft, and Twitter discussed the issues lawmakers will need to address to craft meaningful privacy regulation at a panel at RSA Conference.

Government, Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Rsac2019

Government Shutdown Highlights Importance of Planning Ahead

Parts of the government is still spinning back up after spending 35 days offline as part of the recent partial government shutdown. For security teams with long to-do lists, that's a lot of time they need to regain.

Government, Incident Response

Wyden, Rubio Ask CISA to Assess Threat From Foreign VPN Services

Two senators have asked the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to look into the national security threat from foreign-based VPNs.
