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Returning to Work: Going Forward, Not Going Back

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to audit and assess the tech debt accumulated during remote work
  • Why the strategic objective should focus on moving forward, not just “returning to normal”
  • What other executives are saying about their return strategy in recent roundtables
  • How insights from the new Secure Outcomes report can inform strategy planning

73% of workers in a recent survey by Microsoft* plan to continue flexible remote work and said they want continued flexible remote work options -- what does this mean for security teams planning return-to-office plans that now include even more hybrid elements? While unquestionably a challenging undertaking, teams have a unique opportunity to revisit the successes and failures of their remote work expansions in 2020 and carry the best practices learned into their new expanded environments. This starts with assessing where and how much technical debt the rapid shift created, and sorting which interim solutions can be integrated and which must be phased out as part of a new flexible work strategy.

Join Duo Security Consulting Systems Engineer Jeff Yeo to learn how other executives are assessing and planning next steps for a better return to work, along with what you can do to improve your own strategy.


Presenter Info

Jeff Yeo, Consulting Systems Engineer, Cybersecurity, Duo Security at Cisco

Jeff Yeo is a Regional Security Specialist responsible for advocating Zero Trust security at Duo. He over 10 years of IT experience including tenures in BT Global Service and Govtech (IDA) in the Asia Pacific region in Security, Virtualization and IT service management.