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CISA Warns of Spike in TrueBot Malware Attacks

CISA warned of an increase in TrueBot malware attacks that exploit a known remote code execution flaw in the Netwrix Auditor application.


Police Arrest OPERA1ER Cybercrime Group Suspect

Operation Nervone shows how international and private-public sector collaboration is essential in identifying and arresting cybercriminals.

Interpol, Cybercrime

Iranian Charming Kitten Group Evolves Tools and Tactics

The Charming Kitten attack group is using new tools and tactics in recent operations, including a new macOS backdoor called NokNok.


StackRot Flaw Bug Fixed in Linux Kernel

A new bug in the Linux kernel (CVE-2023-3269) known as StackRot has been fixed in versions 6.1-6.4.


Medtronic Fixes Critical Flaw in Cardiac Device Data System

The critical flaw is exploitable remotely and has a low attack complexity, warns CISA.

Medical Devices