Security news that informs and inspires


205 results for tag Government:

Virginia Passes Consumer Data Protection Law

Virginia joins California in enacting a comprehensive data privacy law with the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, becoming the second state to have legislation giving consumers the right to access data organizations have collected about them.

Government, Data Protection

Political Campaigns Face Tough Security Challenges

The short lifespans and limited budgets of political campaigns adds to the security challenges they face as advanced adversaries target them.

Government, 2fa

Enduring Lessons From Securing the Election

Securing the 2020 election was a years-long process, and former CISA Director Chris Krebs found a number of key lessons for security teams during the effort.


Trump Executive Order Focuses on Rules for Cloud Providers

One of the last executive orders for the outgoing Trump Administration authorized the Commerce Department to create "know your customer" rules for infrastructure-as-a-service providers.

Government, Cloud, Identity

New Rule May Require Banks to Report Incidents Sooner

A proposed rule from a trio of federal financial regulatory agencies aims to change current reporting requirements so that financial service organizations have to notify federal regulators of a security incident within 36 hours.

Bank Security, Government