Security news that informs and inspires

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Key Updates to NIST’s Digital Identity Guidelines: SP 800-63-3

NIST has updated their Digital Identity Guidelines, SP 800-63-3 with final security recommendations - see the new standards that many industries, including government agencies and contractors, need to follow.

Nist, Identity, MFA

Security Hygiene Tips to Prevent Malware Infection & Stop Lateral Movement

From stopping the initial point of infection to narrowing its path of destruction, here are some tips from the US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) to help organizations of all sizes stay safe.

Security Hygiene, Security Basics, Malware, Lateral Movement

PerhapsNotPetya Ransomware: What You Should Know

Two months after the global WannaCry ransomware outbreak, a new wormlike malware variant has more recently plagued 64 countries, disrupting operations worldwide. But is it actually ransomware? Here’s what you need to know.

Petya Ransomware, Wannacry, Windows Security

Opinion: 4 Reasons Why Organizations Can’t “Just Patch”

The WannaCry debacle and most recent MaybeNotPetya attack has revealed that there are countless unpatched systems - no big surprise. Here’s what’s keeping organizations vulnerable, and what we can do about it.

Ransomware, Wannacry, Petya, Patching

Bug Hunting: Drilling Into the Internet of Things (IoT)

In his latest bit of odd research, Duo Labs' Mark Loveless takes a closer look at IoT as he pulls apart a wireless drill, bit by bit.