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Cybercrime Group TA558 Ramps Up Email Attacks Against Hotels

The small cybercrime actor is upping its operational tempo in 2022 against hospitality organizations like hotels and travel companies.


Decipher Podcast: Chester Wisniewski and Peter Mackenzie

Peter Mackenzie, director of incident response at Sophos, and Chester Wisniewski, principal research scientist at Sophos, talk about why more ransomware attackers are clustering onto vulnerable networks - sometimes simultaneously.


Apple, Google Fix Zero Days Under Active Attack

Apple and Google have released fixes for iOS and macOS, and Chrome, respectively, to address bugs that have been exploited in the wild.

Apple, Google

CISA Warns of Ongoing Exploitation Against Zimbra Flaws

Attackers are eyeing known vulnerabilities in the Zimbra collaboration suite to target government and private sector organizations.

Vulnerability, CISA

RubyGems Requires MFA for Popular Projects

RubyGems is now requiring projects with more than 180 million downloads to use MFA, and may extend the requirement to other projects.

Supply Chain