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US Calls Out North Korea for Sony, Bangladesh Bank, WannaCry Attacks

The United States Department of Justice has charged a North Korean programmer for taking part in the attacks as part of its strategy to call out nation-state attackers. While there is no chance of US law enforcement ever making the arrest, the complaint is a way for the government to respond to damaging nation-state sponsored attacks.

Government, Hackers

Crypto Backdoor Law Unlikely Soon

Policy experts say that legislation mandating encryption backdoors are not on the horizon in the U.S., but could be a reality soon in the U.K. and Australia.


NIST Outlines How to Secure BGP

The Internet relies on BGP, but the protocol doesn't have any security protections to prevent route hijacking. NIST's draft paper outlines techniques for securing BGP for a safer Internet.

Government, Nist, Internet, Networking

Facebook and Twitter Move to Fight Disinformation Campaigns

The two dominant social media platforms are changing the way they verify users in an effort to fight foreign influence operations.

Facebook, Twitter, Disinformation

Five Eyes Countries Press for Encryption Laws

The governments of the Five Eyes countries say that if tech companies can't help find a way to provide access to encrypted data, laws may be the answer.
