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Driving Headless Chrome with Python

Back in April, Google announced that it will be shipping Headless Chrome in Chrome 59. Since the respective flags are already available on Chrome Canary, the Duo Labs team thought it would be fun to test things out and also provide a brief introduction to driving Chrome using Selenium and Python.

Chrome Security

HHS Urges HIPAA Guidance for Dealing With Ransomware

In the wake of the widespread ransomware attack launched last Friday that has quickly spread worldwide, the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) sent an email reminder to healthcare organizations, urging them to adhere to the Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR) ransomware guide published last year.

Ransomware, Wannacryptor, HIPAA Security Rule, Healthcare Security

Widespread Ransomware Attack Plagues Europe, Asia & U.K. Hospitals

A widespread, worm-like ransomware attack has shut down computers across Europe and Asia, hitting the Spanish telecom provider, Telefonica and operations in major U.K.-based health systems especially hard.

Ransomware, Wannacryptor, UK Cyber Security, Health Data Security, Hospital Security, Windows Security

Stop the Pwnage: 81% of Hacking Incidents Used Stolen or Weak Passwords

According to the 10th edition of the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 81 percent of hacking-related breaches leveraged stolen and/or weak passwords. Other trends include a jump in phishing, web application and ransomware attacks.

Verizon DBIR 2017, Phishing, Ransomware, Web App Security, Web App Attacks, Rig Exploit Kit, Flash Vulnerabilities, Security Hygiene

The Dallas County Siren Hack

The emergency sirens were activated in Dallas County last Friday night at 11:42pm. First reported as a malfunction, it was later discovered to be a hack - here’s the technical details and why someone may have done it.

Iot Security