Security news that informs and inspires


83 results for tag Google:

Google Discloses Unpatched Windows Flaw Used in Attacks

A windows kernel bug (CVE-2020-17087) is being used in active targeted attacks alongside a recently fixed Chrome bug.

Microsoft, Google

If Catching All Attackers Is the Goal, A New Path is Needed

Stairwell, a new startup founded by Google and Chronicle veteran Mike Wiacek, aims to help more organizations stop high-level attackers.

Threat Intelligence, Google

Google Patches Bug Used in Active Attacks Against Chrome

Google has fixed a flaw in the FreeType library that attackers are attempting to exploit against Chrome users.


Google Debuts Confidential VMs to Protect Cloud Data in Use

Google Cloud Confidential VMs, now in beta, allows customers to run workloads in the cloud on data that is encrypted while it's in use.

Google, Cloud

Google Releases Tsunami Vulnerability Scanner

Google's Tsunami scanner is designed specifically to find critical vulnerabilities in large-scale enterprise networks.
