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205 results for tag Government:

CISA Issues Final Order on Federal Vulnerability Disclosure, But Questions Remain

Federal agencies must publish a vulnerability disclosure policy by March 1, per a new CISA directive, but there is no provision for maturity assessments or resources to build a bug handling process.

Government, Bug Bounty

CISA Releases 5G Security Strategy

The United States Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released the National Strategy to Secure 5G for securely deploying 5G networks in the United States.


NSA and FBI Detail Russian Use of Drovorub Linux Malware

The NSA and FBI have exposed a previously unknown malware tool called Drovorub that the agencies say has been deployed by APT28.


Wyden: EARN IT Act a ‘Horrendous Effort’ to Regulate Speech

The EARN IT Act would create a flood of state laws regulating Internet use and curtail the use of encrypted services, Sen. Ron Wyden says.

Government, Encryption

New Bill Takes Direct Aim at Encrypted Devices and Services

The Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act introduced this week would require device makers and service providers to create exceptional access to encrypted data at rest and in motion.

Government, Encryption