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119 results for tag Privacy:

New Bills Would Require Warrants for Border Device Searches

Bills in the House and Senate would prevent warrantless searches of Americans' devices at the border.

Privacy, Government

Do Not Track Act Would Give Users More Power

The Do Not Track Act introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley would establish a single, enforceable mechanism for people to prevent data collection and online tracking.


Firefox Now Blocks Cryptominers and Fingerprinters

In Firefox 67, Mozilla has moved to block cryptominers and browser fingerprinters, which track users across the web.


WhatsApp Flaw Used in Targeted, Not Widespread, Attacks

A WhatsApp vulnerability has reportedly been used in highly targeted attacks to install spyware on victims' phones.

Whatsapp, Privacy

FTC Pushes For Federal Privacy Law

The FTC is urging Congress to pass a broad federal privacy and security law--and allow the commission to be the enforcement authority for it.
