Security news that informs and inspires
scrambled headshot of Dennis Fisher

Dennis Fisher

Editor in Chief

Dennis Fisher is an award-winning journalist who has been covering information security and privacy since 2000.

He is one of the co-founders of Threatpost and previously wrote for TechTarget and eWeek, when magazines were still a thing that existed. Dennis enjoys finding the stories behind the headlines and digging into the motivations and thinking of both defenders and attackers. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Improper Bostonian, Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge, and most of his kids’ English papers.

Featured Articles

1178 articles by Dennis Fisher

Citrix Releases Mitigations for DDoS Attacks on ADC, Gateway Appliances

Citrix has released software mitigations to help prevent DDoS attacks using its ADC and Gateway appliances.


SolarWinds Attackers Accessed, But Did Not Modify, Microsoft Source Code

The SolarWinds attackers had access to some Microsoft source code repositories, but did not have the ability to change them, the company said.

Microsoft, Solarwinds

Emotet Back in Circulation

The Emotet malware has begun spreading again after one of its periodic breaks, using Christmas and COVID lures.

Emotet, Malware

Decipher Library: Holiday Edition

The editors of Decipher have put together a list of books, technical and otherwise, you can enjoy during a well-deserved holiday break.


CISA: Attackers Used Vectors Other Than SolarWinds Backdoor

CISA said the attackers behind the SolarWinds compromise used other infection vectors to access some victims' networks.
