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Microsoft Continues Dismantling Trickbot

Talk about a Whack-a-Mole Operation. Microsoft tries to disable Trickbot command-and-control servers faster than botnet operators can rebuild new infrastructure.


Enterprises Should Fix These 25 Flaws

Enterprise IT staff should prioritize fixing the flaws listed in the Top 25 list of most commonly targeted vulnerabilities released by the United States National Security Agency.

Vulnerability, Patch

Google Patches Bug Used in Active Attacks Against Chrome

Google has fixed a flaw in the FreeType library that attackers are attempting to exploit against Chrome users.


British Airways GDPR Fine Lower Than Expected

Citing the pandemic, the United Kingdom privacy watchdog dramatically reduced the fine against British Airways for its 2018 data breach.

GDPR, Data Breaches

Trickbot Up to Its Old Tricks

Days after a takedown operation, the Trickbot botnet is back up and running with new C2 servers in Europe and South America.

Botnet, Malware