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209 results for tag Ransomware:

DarkSide Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline a Worrying Precedent

The DarkSide ransomware hit the Colonial Pipeline on Friday, forcing the company to take its main distribution lines offline to recover.

Ransomware, Government

Lawmakers Search For Solution to Ransomware Pandemic

Slowing or stopping the global ransomware threat will take cooperation among government, enterprises, and law enforcement.

Ransomware, Government

Threat Group Exploits SonicWall Flaw to Deploy FiveHands Ransomware

Researchers shed light on the FiveHands ransomware, which was deployed after a threat group exploited a now-patched SonicWall flaw in January.

Ransomware, Malware, Vulnerability

Ransomware Task Force Proposes Technical, Regulatory Measures to Disrupt Ecosystem

A ransomware task force has proposed a variety of technical, policy, and regulatory means for disrupting ransomware, including tracking Bitcoin transactions more closely and mandating ransom payment disclosures.

Ransomware, Government

Attackers Target European Industrial Firms With Cring Ransomware

Attackers exploited a previously-disclosed flaw in Fortinet VPN servers in order to hit European industrial firms with the Cring ransomware.

Ransomware, Cring Ransomware, Attacker, Vulnerability