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4 results for tag Attacker:

Iron Tiger APT Updates Toolkit in 18-Month Malware Campaign

An 18-month malware campaign on a gambling company reveals how the Iron Tiger threat group has updated its toolkit.

Apt, Malware, Attacker, Remote Access Trojan, Backdoors

Attackers Target European Industrial Firms With Cring Ransomware

Attackers exploited a previously-disclosed flaw in Fortinet VPN servers in order to hit European industrial firms with the Cring ransomware.

Ransomware, Cring Ransomware, Attacker, Vulnerability

MITRE Releases FIN6 Emulation Plan

MITRE’s latest project is a public library of detailed plans replicating tactics and techniques used by known attack groups. The first set of adversary emulation plans released this week describe the behavior of cybercrime group FIN6.

Cybercrime, Attacker, Attack Simulations

Tortoiseshell Targets IT Providers in Supply Chain Attack

Supply chain attacks violate the trust organizations have in their suppliers and providers. A newly discovered attack group is brazen, compromising IT providers in order to get to their final targets.

Supply Chain, Attacker