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53 results for tag APT:

China-Based APT Flies Under Radar in Espionage Attacks

While the APT has targeted dozens of organizations in Taiwan, researchers with Microsoft warn that its tactics could easily be used in campaigns in other areas.


APT15 Hits Foreign Affairs Ministries With Updated Malware

The China-based hacking group has targeted ministries of foreign affairs across the Americas with updated malware called Graphican.


Newly Discovered Backdoor Used in Lancefly APT Attacks

A "powerful" backdoor has been uncovered in highly targeted, intel-gathering APT attacks.

APT, Backdoors

Iranian Threat Groups Spread Cyberattack Fears Through Influence Operations

Iranian threat groups are launching cyberattacks - or in some cases saying they are - and then sowing fear around the hacks through online influence operations.

Iran, APT

Transparent Tribe APT Hits Indian Education Sector

Researchers at SentinelLabs recently observed Transparent Tribe evolving its tactics in recent attacks against the Indian education sector.

APT, Education