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167 results for tag Microsoft:

Microsoft Fixes Exploited Windows Bug

The vulnerability in the Windows Common Log File system could allow an authenticated attacker to execute code with elevated privileges.

Microsoft, Patch Tuesday

Microsoft Discloses Previously Fixed Azure Synapse Bug

Microsoft quietly fixed the elevation of privilege flaw in June.

Microsoft, Azure

Russian APT Targets Microsoft 365 Features to Muddle Detection

APT29, the threat actor linked to the SolarWinds hack, is abusing various Azure features in recent attacks against organizations that influence the foreign policy of NATO countries.

Solarwinds, Microsoft

Microsoft Disables Accounts Abused By Russian Threat Actor

Microsoft observed the threat actor, which it tracks as Seaborgium, targeting over 30 organizations since 2022 started.


Microsoft Fixes Known, Exploited Flaw in Windows Diagnostic Tool

The flaw was first reported to Microsoft in 2019, but at the time it said it did not consider the issue to be a vulnerability.

Microsoft, Windows