Security news that informs and inspires


170 results for tag Microsoft:

Attackers Actively Targeting Zerologon Flaw, Microsoft Warns

The Zerologon vulnerability Microsoft patched in Windows Server last month is actively being exploited in several attacks, Microsoft warned.

Patch, Microsoft

Microsoft Patches Zero Days Used in Targeted Attacks

Microsoft on Tuesday patched flaws in Internet Explorer an Windows that have been used in active attacks.


Password Spraying Leads to Compromise of Cloud Identities

The Holmium threat group has been using password spraying attacks against Office 365 to gain access to corporate networks.


Pandemic-Related Malware Activity Falling Off

Malware and phishing campaigns preying on interest in the COVID-19 crisis have spiked but are now falling off in many places.

Microsoft, Malware

Intel to Add Hardware Defense Against Subtle Attacks

Intel's new Control-Flow Enforcement Technology will be built into its forthcoming Tiger Lake processors and integrated with Windows 10.

Intel, Microsoft