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209 results for tag Ransomware:

Attackers Combine Attacks Against RDP with Ransomware

Attacks using Remote Desktop Protocol continue to be tremendously successful. It turns out many attackers are combining RDP attacks with ransomware.

Ransomware, RDP

Money for Nothing: Ransomware Plagues Local Governments

Ransomware infections have crippled local governments in several states recently, a trend that shows no signs of abating.


Coordinated Ransomware Attack Hits Texas Government Agencies

More than 20 Texas agencies have been compromised in a widespread ransomware attack.


Mayors Pledge No More Ransom Payments

The United States Conference of Mayors unanimously agreed to not pay any more ransoms following ransomware attacks against municipal networks.

Ransomware, Data Breaches, Disaster Recovery, Backup and Restore

MegaCortex Ransomware Targets Corporate Networks

The new MegaCortex ransomware is using stolen domain controller credentials to gain a foothold in corporate networks before spreading.
