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170 results for tag Malware:

Malware Backdoor Campaign Targets Financial Services

An attack campaign has targeted financial services using a new type of backdoor since early January, FireEye said.

Backdoors, Malware, Financial Institutions

Emotet Sets Sights on Military and Government Targets

A recent Emotet malware campaign is homing in on victims in the military and government sectors.

Emotet, Malware

Microsoft Mines Events Logs for RDP Brute-Force Attacks

Microsoft looked at Windows Events Log to understand what RDP brute-force attacks looked like in the enterprise, and found that attackers frequently space out the login attempts over several days to avoid detection.

RDP, Malware, Remote Access Attacks

New ZeroCleare Wiper Malware Used in Targeted Attacks

The new ZeroCleare malware has been used in destructive attacks against energy companies in the Middle East.


DHS Warns of New North Korean Government Malware Hoplight

The DHS and FBI say North Korean-backed attackers are using a powerful new piece of malware known as Hoplight to infiltrate target machines.
