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170 results for tag Malware:

Russian APTs Turla and Sofacy Sharing Code and Targets

Two Russian-speaking APT teams recently have been seen using shared code and targeting the same organizations.

APT, Malware

Decipher Podcast: Andy Greenberg

Andy Greenberg of Wired magazine joins Dennis Fisher to talk about the incredible story of the NotPetya malware outbreak.

Podcast, Malware

VPNFilter Malware Now Exploiting Endpoints, Not Just Routers

The VPNFilter malware has the ability to compromise endpoints and routers both and destroy data on infected devices.


Attackers Lie, Leave False Trails

We still don't know who was behind the Olympic Destroyer malware that targeted South Korea during the Winter Olympics, but we know all those supposed clues to their origins were false clues planted by the attackers. As defenders, assume everything you can't verify completely is a lie the attackers deliberately crafted.

Hackers, Malware

Security Hygiene Tips to Prevent Malware Infection & Stop Lateral Movement

From stopping the initial point of infection to narrowing its path of destruction, here are some tips from the US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) to help organizations of all sizes stay safe.

Security Hygiene, Security Basics, Malware, Lateral Movement