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62 results for tag Phishing:

Twilio Customer, Employee Accounts Compromised In Text Phishing Attack

Attackers compromised some customer and employee accounts at Twilio through a text-based phishing campaign.

Phishing, 2fa

Microsoft Exposes Phishing Campaign That Stole Session Cookies to Bypass MFA

Microsoft has identified a long, widespread phishing campaign that stole session cookies to bypass MFA and led to BEC and payment fraud.

Phishing, Microsoft

Man Convicted in Phishing Scam That Cost U.S. DoD $23.5M

A $23.5 million phishing scheme was carried out in 2018 that impacted the U.S. Department of Defense.


FBI: Election Officials in Nine States Received Phishing Emails

U.S. election officials and other state and local government officials received invoice-themed phishing emails aiming to steal their credentials, warned the FBI.

Election Security, Elections, Phishing

IcedID Thread-Hijacking Attack Uses Compromised Exchange Servers

Attackers are using compromised Microsoft Exchange servers to launch thread-hijacking attacks that infect victims with the IcedID malware.

Malware, Phishing