Security news that informs and inspires


261 results for tag Podcast:

The Lasting Repercussions of the Sony Hack

The Sony Pictures hack in 2014 by the North Korean Lazarus Group was a seminal event both in Hollywood and in the security community, bringing to light the capabilities and ambitions of North Korean attackers and showing the damage a leak of sensitive data can be. Brian Raftery joins Dennis Fisher to discuss his new Ringer‬ podcast, The Hollywood Hack, that digs deep into the incident, its repercussions in Hollywood, and how it helped set the tone for how companies handle public data leaks.

Podcast, Sony

Decipher Podcast: Reddit’s Matt Johansen on Identity Attacks, Enterprise Security, and Burnout

Reddit's head of application security Matt Johansen joins Dennis Fisher to talk about the highlights of Black Hat USA, the challenges of sorting security priorities in a large enterprise, and how he's learned to take care of his mental health after many years in the security industry.

Podcast, Black Hat

Decipher Podcast: Rebekah Brown and John Scott-Railton on COLDRIVER and Russian Cyberespionage

Rebekah Brown and John Scott-Railton of the Citizen Lab join Dennis Fisher to dive into their group's new report on highly targeted spear phishing campaigns by the Russian threat actor COLDRIVER and then discuss the emergence of a new, possibly related group called COLDWASTREL.

Podcast, Russia

Decipher Podcast: Tyler Healy

Tyler Healy, CISO of Digital Ocean, joins Dennis Fisher to discuss the unique challenges of defending a huge platform, how AI is changing things for defenders, and what new challenges AI might bring in the near future.

AI, Podcast

Decipher Podcast: George Barnes

Former NSA Deputy Director George Barnes joins Dennis Fisher to talk about his 35-year career at the agency, how he came to be intrigued by the cybersecurity world, the emergence of Cyber Command as a force inside the government, and what he sees as the priorities for defenders now.

Podcast, NSA