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209 results for tag Ransomware:

AvosLocker Ransomware Attacks Spike

The emergence of AvosLocker is part of an overarching shift in the RaaS ecosystem over the latter half of 2021.


Ransomware Group Continually Rebrands to Slip Under Radar

Researchers warn that a ransomware group's constant rebranding and its small size has allowed for it to fly under the radar.

Ransomware, Malware, Critical Infrastructure

BazarLoader Attacks Use Compromised Software Installers

Researchers have observed the BazarLoader information stealer now being spread via compromised versions of VLC and TeamViewer packages.

Malware, Ransomware

New Ransomware Group Retools Attacks On the Fly

A recently uncovered attack by a new ransomware group shows how cybercriminals will switch up their tactics on a whim.


‘We Have to Change the Decision Calculus’ to Stop Ransomware

Ransomware groups such as REvil have take some hits recently, but the broader landscape has continued to expand and experts say defenders need to change their thinking in order to address the problem.

Ransomware, Governance, CISA