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209 results for tag Ransomware:

FBI Warns of Ragnar Locker Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

The FBI says that the Ragnar Locker ransomware group has compromised more than 50 critical infrastructure organizations in the U.S.


Cuba Ransomware Exploits Microsoft Exchange Flaws

Ransomware actors have increasingly shifted their tactics to exploit flaws as part of their initial infection vector.

Ransomware, Microsoft Exchange, Proxyshell

Dridex Malware Spreads Entropy Ransomware In Recent Cyberattacks

Researchers point to a possible common origin between the Dridex malware and Entropy ransomware due to code similarities.

Malware, Ransomware

New FBI Unit Will Focus on Cryptocurrency Exploitation

The FBI is forming a new Virtual Asset Exploitation unit to trace cryptocurrency crimes and ransomware profits.

Government, Ransomware

FBI: BlackByte Ransomware Targeted Critical Infrastructure

The ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) group has compromised organizations across the government, financial and food and agriculture sectors since November.

Ransomware, Critical Infrastructure