By-the-Minute Security Reporting
In the infosec world, knowledge really is power. Duo makes it easy to monitor every user, on any device, anywhere, so you can identify security risks before they lead to compromised information.
Keep User Devices Healthy
Duo analyzes what’s running on all of your users’ devices — managed or unmanaged, and without the use of an agent. With this data at your fingertips in an actionable device health report, you’ll be able to see:
An analysis of your users’ devices, including current device OS, browsers, Flash and Java versions.
Security health trends of all devices accessing your business applications, including which devices are outdated or need to be updated by end users.
The latest security events that may result in outdated devices, including a new browser or plugin update released by a software vendor.
Admins can use these reports to take action and notify users to update devices with Self-Remediation, or block outdated devices with Endpoint Remediation.
Stay on top of key security activities in your network with detailed reports.
Deployment Progress Report
Run reports on the success and deployment metrics of your Duo environment. The Deployment Progress report gives you information on the state of your Duo enrollment across your organization.
Administrator Actions Report
The Administrator Actions report captures authentication events from the past 24 hours. You'll see information about when and how frequently users authenticate successfully, which authentication methods they use, which applications they access most often, and much more.
Policy Impact Report
Get a clear, concise and holistic view of your administrative policies and how they impact your users.
Meet compliance standards and identify security risks with Duo’s detailed logs. Accessible through your admin panel, you can search and export the logs manually via CSV file, or in real-time to your log management or SIEM systems via our REST API.
Authentication Logs
Authentication logs show you where and how users authenticate, with usernames, location, time, type of authentication factor and more. Normalize user patterns so you can identify abnormal activity.
Administrator Logs
Administrator log events let you track the username, time and type of administrator activity, including groups, user, integration and device management. Identify any major admin changes and suspicious activity.
Telephony Logs
Telephony logs give you insight into the type of telephony event (SMS or phone), phone numbers, and the number of telephony credits used, ensuring you don’t run out of credits.
Proactively catch user-reported fraud as it happens with Duo Security’s real-time fraud alerts.
Fraud Alerts
Whenever your users report possible fraud from a login request (reported via phone callback or Duo Push), an alert is sent to your chosen email address. Administrators can automatically lock users out after a specified number of invalid logins. Duo also lets you customize the list of administrators that receive fraud alert reports.