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Secure Access for Colleges and Universities

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is both a foundational security control for colleges and universities. Operational costs, in dollars and in time, can make integrating MFA or two-factor authentication (2FA) daunting. We'd love to help break it down and show you the easiest way to protect your institution — and meet compliance!

Read our Higher Ed eBook

A college student stays secure with multi-factor authentication app from Duo.
Professors are satisfied by cybersecurity solutions by Duo for higher education.

The Best Security Software for Colleges and Universities

The colleges and universities of today now have endless tools at their fingertips. Applications, software tools and remote networks have enabled migrations to remote coursework and online learning, automated formerly-arduous grading systems and more. This new type of classroom hosts a set of security challenges and compliance regulations that educational institutions must meet, but don’t fret! That’s where we come in.

Online Safety Product for Higher Education

The data types handled in higher ed institutions are sensitive, so it’s critical to protect both individual systems and schoolwide applications. Duo Security can help make doing so simple. Hundreds of institutions trust Duo to help secure the tools they use and help ensure safe and easy access for all students and staff.

A person authenticating on a mobile device using Duo.

Department of Education, GDPR, AICPA SOC2 and other regulatory compliance logos shown as part of Duo's compliance initiatives.

Help Higher Education Meet Regulatory Compliance

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (commonly referred to by its acronym, “FERPA”) was put in motion with the intention of ensuring student data privacy. As an educational institution, you’re required to uphold this standard, as well as other compliance regulations. Duo can help make meeting regulatory compliance mandates in higher ed easier, including those specified in FERPA, SOC2, GDPR and more!

Sophos UTM, Shibboleth IDP and PeopleSoft enterprise CMS applications are all supported by Duo's products.

Full-Scope MFA Integration for Universities

Duo security integrates seamlessly with all of your academic applications, both cloud-based and on-premises. Deploying effectively in everything from identity providers like Shibboleth, to UTM systems like Sophos, to enterprise CMS apps like Oracle PeopleSoft, Duo’s MFA (multi-factor authentication) helps your institution stay safe, while Duo’s SSO (single sign-on) saves time for staff, students and administrators alike.

Activate Zero Trust Policies in Learning Institutions

Iron-clad cybersecurity measures are pertinent in keeping colleges and universities safe and compliant. With Duo, implementing them is easy.

2fa and multi factor authentication app for all computers and devices.

BYOD Safety in Colleges and Universities

With Device Trust by Duo, ensure student devices are up to date before accessing sensitive information. By utilizing this cloud-based trusted access feature, even students’ personal smartphones can be measured against your organization’s security standards, before any access is granted, helping to keep school data exclusive and safe.

Furthermore, if your institution’s systems operate within a local VPN or rely on SSH for remote access, rest assured that Duo not only integrates with those environments, but can also surpass the necessity for a VPN within personal user devices. The Duo Network Gateway feature grants permitted users access to on-premises websites, web applications and SSH servers without having to worry about managing VPN credentials, while also adding login security. Students and educators can then access on-premises systems easily and without security risks

College administrator uses access control and two factor app.

Unified MFA for Every Educational Application

Working on multiple applications is pretty status quo for studying students and teaching professors, but implementing per-app verification systems can become tedious and time-consuming. With Duo SSO (single sign-on), MFA (multi-factor authentication) can be consolidated, meaning students and faculty only have to verify their credentials once before accessing all of the software tools they need.

Duo’s flexible MFA solutions further ensure an exceptional user experience for students, staff and administrators alike. Compatible with any security architecture, Duo’s user verification platform works in congruence with biometric verification, TOTP, and a multitude of other second-factor tools, giving administrators and users the autonomy to choose which type of verification makes the most sense for them and their respective environments.

An owl to represent learning with cybersecurity two-factor authenticaton (2FA).

Endpoint Security with Institution-Wide Visibility

Managing and monitoring every user’s behavior and device health is simple with Duo, making preventative cybersecurity more effective than ever before. The Duo Device Insight endpoint inventory helps school administrators ensure that all students and staff are both in compliance and accessing only what they are authorized to. With a high-level scope of both on-premise and personal devices, no access point goes unchecked with Duo Device Insight.

To further expand your view of institution-wide endpoints, employ Duo Trust Monitor. An elaborate extension of Device Insight, Trust Monitor models authentication data so that your institution’s security analytics and per-user data accessing trends can be measured and assessed around-the-clock.

Money to demonstrate cost reduction cybersecurity solutions for higher ed.

Cost Realization for Higher Ed

Duo helps hundreds of educational institutions surpass the need for hired agents through easy, automated device health monitoring, modeling, and management. This also reduces help desk call volume and support hours.

While Duo’s services alone help optimize school board budgets, Duo also supports accredited U.S.-based institutions through InCommon and Internet2’s NET+ program, allowing them to deploy our zero-trust solution broadly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

Duo is a part of a larger umbrella of data security against brute force attacks, phishing and so much more out there. Our team found Duo to be one of the best products we have worked with so far. The speed and ease with which we deployed the solution was particularly impressive. — Jim Jorstad - Director IT- Client Services, University of Wisconsin Lacrosse

Ready to get started with Duo? Take a free 30-day trial now.