Turning Microsoft’s MFA Requirement for Azure Into an Epic Security Win With Duo
You can satisfy Microsoft's mandatory MFA requirement for Azure using several Duo configurations, better protecting any Azure resources you're using.
The latest information security news - what's happening now, what's important, why it matters, real-world implications and who it matters to - without any of the overhype.
432 Articles Found
You can satisfy Microsoft's mandatory MFA requirement for Azure using several Duo configurations, better protecting any Azure resources you're using.
By addressing the risk of dormant accounts, organizations can significantly enhance their security posture and reduce unnecessary costs.
Identity Secure Posture Management (ISPM) and Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) are important protection against identity attacks. Learn why.
Duo launched a new feature to stop attackers with malicious devices from accessing Duo-protected apps, which is helpful for protecting higher ed environments.
RADIUS is a vital protocol, and can be used when protecting applications with Duo to meet an organization's specific environment and end-user needs.