Security news that informs and inspires
scrambled headshot of Dennis Fisher

Dennis Fisher

Editor in Chief

Dennis Fisher is an award-winning journalist who has been covering information security and privacy since 2000.

He is one of the co-founders of Threatpost and previously wrote for TechTarget and eWeek, when magazines were still a thing that existed. Dennis enjoys finding the stories behind the headlines and digging into the motivations and thinking of both defenders and attackers. His work has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Improper Bostonian, Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge, and most of his kids’ English papers.

Featured Articles

1178 articles by Dennis Fisher

Supply Chain Attack Hits Passwordstate Password Manager

An attacker was able to compromise the update mechanism for the Click Studios Passwordstate password manager and insert a malicious DLL that harvested victims' usernames and passwords.

Supply Chain

Researchers Find New Chunk of SolarWinds Attackers’ Infrastructure

Researchers from RiskIQ have identified 18 additional C2 servers used by the APT29 attackers in their operation against SolarWinds and its customers.


CISA Finds New Attacker Using Supernova Malware on SolarWinds Orion

CISA investigated an enterprise intrusion in which the attacker had legitimate credentials for the Pulse Secure VPN and then deployed the Supernova malware on a SolarWinds Orion instance.

Solarwinds, CISA

The Hacker Movie Awards

It's Oscars season, so to celebrate the good, the bad, and the terrible in hacker movies, Zoe Lindsey, Pete Baker, and Dennis Fisher convene to hand out some fake awards for fake hacking.

Hacker Movies

Chinese Attackers Target Pulse Secure Flaw in Government and Enterprise Networks

A new China-aligned threat group known as UNC2630 is using a zero day in Pulse Connect Secure VPN to breach government agencies and enterprises.

Vpn, Apt, China