“Duo &” - The Power of Great Combinations
Some things just go together. Salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, Duo &... VPNs, Cloud Security, Website Security, and more. In this post I discuss the power of amazing combinations and Duo.
Some things just go together. Salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, Duo &... VPNs, Cloud Security, Website Security, and more. In this post I discuss the power of amazing combinations and Duo.
Cloud operations is a critical component to "keep the lights on" for any deployment, this also applies to software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. In this post, we will explore five tips for optimizing Duo Cloud Operations and apply the correct application to the context of service management.
The continued digitalization of the healthcare sector seems to be a double-edged sword: technology continues to play a more important part in how healthcare organizations deliver patient care, conduct research or deliver education; however, the pace of digitalization has, in some cases, outstripped the speed of cybersecurity.
I admit a little nostalgia for my first few passwords. I used to make jokes in my passwords. Sometimes, I’d make promises (saveMoney!, sleep@More). I’m willing to bet you did the same. What changed? By the time you’re reaching hundreds of account passwords, the joy is gone. Let’s discuss what a passwordless tomorrow looks like.
This year’s Summer Camp looks a little different — Black Hat (August 1-6), DEF CON (August 6-9), and the Diana Initiative (August 21-22) are all happening virtually, and Queercon and BSides have sadly been cancelled. That doesn’t mean there won’t be plenty of learning, networking, and skill-building opportunities available at these sites.