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170 results for tag Malware:

Ransomware Group Continually Rebrands to Slip Under Radar

Researchers warn that a ransomware group's constant rebranding and its small size has allowed for it to fly under the radar.

Ransomware, Malware, Critical Infrastructure

BazarLoader Attacks Use Compromised Software Installers

Researchers have observed the BazarLoader information stealer now being spread via compromised versions of VLC and TeamViewer packages.

Malware, Ransomware

Emotet Returns After Law Enforcement Disruption

Almost a year after law enforcement disrupted its infrastructure, the Emotet malware has returned.

Emotet, Malware

Emerging Loader Delivered Via Hijacked Email Threads

Researchers shed light on a malware loader that's been spotted consistently being spread via email spam messages over the past month.

Email, Malware, Spammers

Nation-State Attackers Sharpen Focus on Governments, NGOs

New data from Microsoft shows that Nobelium, Thallium, and other nation-state attack groups are increasingly focusing on government agencies and NGOs.

Microsoft, Malware