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170 results for tag Malware:

Google Disrupts Cookie Theft Malware Attacks

Google researchers point to a resurgence in a decades-old session hijacking tactic, as seen in a recent phishing campaign.

Malware, Browser Security, Admin Session Hijacks

New TA551 Email Campaign Installs Sliver Red-Team Tool

A new email hijacking campaign by the TA551 attack group is installing the legitimate Sliver red-team tool as a payload, possibly for use in future ransomware operations.

Malware, Ransomware

Trickbot Expands Malware Distribution Channels

Researchers observed known threat groups infecting victims with TrickBot for the first time in June, suggesting that the malware operators are expanding their distribution channels.

Trickbot, Malware, Banking Malware

BlackTech Espionage Gang Adds to Malware Toolset

Researchers at VB2021 localhost gave an inside look into new malware families that the BlackTech espionage group is now using.

Malware, APT, Net Exploitation

Espionage Attacks Against Telecom, Aerospace Firms Reveal Stealthy RAT

A RAT that has stayed under the radar for at least three years was recently uncovered in highly targeted espionage attacks against companies in the telecommunications and aerospace industries.

Malware, Cyber Crime, Dropbox, Remote Access Trojan