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Thirty Percent of Android Devices Susceptible to 24 Critical Vulnerabilities

It has been nine months since Google began these monthly updates, and we at Duo Labs are interested in how this change in security policy has impacted the masses. The following were some of the key findings from our data analysis...

OEM Laptop Security Shootout

A Security Analysis of Signature Edition Laptops

Are Signature Edition laptops really more secure than other laptops? Duo's security research team, Duo Labs compared Signature Edition models with others to find out the answer.

Out-of-Box Exploitation: A Security Analysis of OEM Updaters

Today, Duo Labs is publishing our take on the OOBE; Out-of-Box Exploitation: A Security Analysis of OEM Updaters. OEM software is making us vulnerable and invading our privacy - with that in mind, Duo Labs decided to dig in to see how ugly things can get.

OEM Security, Dell Security, Out of Box Software, Labs Research

Duo Labs Answers: Is Public Wi-Fi Safe?

From coffee shops to airports to hotels and work conferences, free public Wi-Fi is everywhere, easy and accessible. But is it safe to use?

Wi Fi Security, 2fa

Bring Your Own Dilemma: OEM Laptops and Windows 10 Security

Security research team, Duo Labs, dissects OEM laptops to find out how secure they are - learn more about the privacy and security issues they found with laptop default settings, data collection and more.

DROWN Provides Another Reminder to Disable SSLv2 (and 3, while you’re at it)

A newly discovered vulnerability in crypto protocols breaks connections and reminds us all that it's long past time to move on from SSLv2.

SSL, SSL Security, Openssl, Vulnerability

OpenSSL Provides Another Reminder to Disable SSLv2 (and 3, while you’re at it)

A newly discovered vulnerability in OpenSSL reveals private keys and reminds us all that it's long past time to move on from SSLv2.

SSL, SSL Security, Openssl, Vulnerability

Critical Vulnerability Affecting Glibc: Patch Immediately

The Glibc Project has announced a critical vulnerability affecting systems using the glibc DNS client-side resolver, that could, under certain conditions, lead to remote code execution on a system using glibc.

Glibc, Linux Security, Vulnerability

Microsoft Drops Support for Internet Explorer: Just How Big of Deal is This?

Microsoft will soon drop support for Internet Explorer versions 8, 9 and 10 - that means no more security updates. We took a look at our user data to determine the impact on IE users. Here’s what we found…

Debunking Myths: Do Terrorists Use Game Consoles to Communicate With Each Other?

Watch as Duo’s Creative Director Pete Baker and Duo Labs’ Mark Loveless and Steve Manzuik debunk the myths that terrorists were using PlayStation networks and the popular Call of Duty game to communicate with each other.

Dude, You Got Dell’d: Publishing Your Privates

While working on a larger research project, Duo Labs security researchers found sketchy certificates on a brand-new Dell Inspiron 14 laptop. Read on for more about Superfish 2: eDellRoot Boogaloo.

Security Research, Dell Security, Edell Root, Labs Research

Strengthening the Signal in the Noise: IoT Security and Stunt Hacking

The whole Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon has really gained momentum amongst security professionals as a hot topic of discussion. More than a few people are calling for self-examination...

I, For One, Welcome Our New Algorithmic Overlords

Duo Research and Development team share common themes discussed at Black Hat and DEF CON, from advocating for individualized machine learning models to achieving actionable analysis.

Black Hat, Defcon, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

You Built a Better Mousetrap? They Built Better RATs

Remote Access Trojans (RATs) have traditionally been known as tools that perform tasks such as installing additional malware or stealing files from an infected computer. They are often bundled with enticing software like free games or system utilities. RATs are nothing new, but their usage and related attack methods have changed recently in interesting ways.

Defcon, Data Breaches, Remote Access Attacks, Remote Access Security