There is bipartisan consensus in Congress that a federal data privacy law is necessary. Public policy experts from Google, Microsoft, and Twitter discussed the issues lawmakers will need to address to craft meaningful privacy regulation at a panel at RSA Conference.
FBI Director Christoper Wray said the bureau considers cybercrime and other cyber attacks to be an unprecedented threat right now.
Humans are fundamentally wired to take risks, and their decisions are all about taking risks in order to gain some kind of a benefit. Poor decisions are because risks are not straightforward to understand, Andy Ellis, CSO of Akamai Technologies. If the information is presented differently, there would be better decision-making.
The lessons we learned as children can be applied to security education and training.
The ever-growing complexity of modern computing devices is making it more and more difficult to secure them.
The future of privacy is neither futile or pretty good. New regulations are on the way, but there will also be more challenge about rampant surveillance, ACLU tech fellow Jon Callas said.
Yonathan Klijnsma of RiskIQ has been researching the Magecart skimming group for several years and speaks with Dennis Fisher about Group 4's tactics and targets.
The U.S. and Chinese company Huawei have been butting heads over the upcoming 5G rollouts, with the U.S. citing national security concerns. However, banning Huawei equipment could have an impact on when 5G will be available in certain parts of the world.
Congress seems intent on passing federal data privacy legislation, but simply giving consumers more control won't be enough.
Sneakers isn't just one of the best hacker movies of all time, it's a spiritual successor to WarGames and one of the most entertaining movies ever. Full stop.
A series of DNS-hijacking campaigns against government agencies and other organizations has led ICANN to call for full deployment of DNSSEC and other protective measures.
Traveling can be a lot of fun, but it can also present myriad challenges when it comes to keeping your information and devices secure. A few simple steps and a little advance planning can go a long way to increasing your operational security.
Some versions of BIND 9 contain a severe memory leak that can exhaust the memory resources on a vulnerable server.
A bug that can grant arbitrary code execution has been lurking in the WinRAR compression utility since 2000.
The Brushaloader malware threat, which often loads the Danabot banking trojan, is expanding its target base and refining its tactics.