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Mapping the Spectral Landscape of IPv6 Networks

Two researchers have developed an open source toolset called ipv666 that helps predict IPv6 addresses and find live hosts.


Decipher Podcast: Mikhail Davidov

Dennis Fisher is joined by Mikhail Davidov of Duo Labs to talk about his detailed research on the Apple T2 security chip.

Podcast, Apple

U.S. Dismantles Massive 3ve Click-Fraud Operation

It's a good day when law enforcement, working with industry partners like Google, Symantec and White Ops dismantle a massive operation designed to steal advertising revenue.

Internet, Fraud

Software Update Led to Microsoft Azure MFA Outage

A trio of problems caused by a software update in some of Microsoft's data centers led to a service outage for customers of the Microsoft Entra ID MFA service last week.

MFA, Microsoft

Making the Case for a Botnet-Free Internet

Imagine the internet with no botnets. That's the ambitious vision, with more regulations holding more organizations accountable for botnet activities on their networks, as laid out in a Council on Foreign Relations paper.

Botnet, Internet

Windows Now Supports Password-Less Authentication With Security Keys

Microsoft customers now have the option of logging in to Windows, on desktop or mobile devices, with a FIDO2-compliant security key--and no password.


Apple’s T2 Chip Good for Secure Boot, Still Room for Improvement

Apple’s T2 chip on the new Macs perform a wide array of tasks to secure the machine from various hardware- and software-based attacks. The fact that the T2 chip can do so much is also potentially its weakness, as it opens up the machine’s attack surface.

Labs Research, Apple, Hardware, Firmware Security

U.S. Says Russia, Other Nations, Are Uncooperative on Cybercrime Investigations

A deputy U.S. attorney general said that Russia and other nations stonewall cybercrime investigations and called for international cooperation.

Cybercrime, Privacy

AWS Adds Feature to Block Public Access to S3 Buckets

Amazon's AWS cloud platform now has a security feature that will block all public access to S3 data storage buckets.


Firefox to Warn Users When They Visit Breached Sites

In the coming weeks, Firefox will begin to warn users when they visit a site that has been part of a data breach.

Data Breaches

ICT Task Force Meets to Set Supply Chain Standards

Attacks on the global supply chain—sabotaging hardware components, installing malware or backdoors in software—are stuff security nightmares are made of. The ICT Task Force, formed by the Department of Homeland Security, meets to help companies manage their risk.

Supply Chain, Government

Congress Votes to Create New Federal Cybersecurity Agency

A bill that passed the House Tuesday will create the new Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to handle the government's cybersecurity responsibilities.


Chip-Based Credit Cards Did Not Stop Payment Card Fraud

Three years ago, the United States shifted to chip-enabled credit and debit cards. The big promise was that chip cards would reduce payment card fraud. While that is mostly true, millions of chip-cards are still getting stolen because some merchants haven't made the switch.

Finance Security, Payment Card Breach

The Deep, Dark Reach of the Magecart Group

The Magecart group has been compromising web stores and skimming card numbers from them for several years, and security researchers are exposing much of the group's techniques and tactics.

Fraud, Magecart

Congress May Consider a U.S. Version of GDPR

Despite high-profile data breaches, increased scrutiny of how consumer data is used, and several hearings, there hasn’t been a lot of movement on privacy legislation out of Congress. That may change if lawmakers decide to pass the U.S. version of the European Union's data privacy law.

Government, Privacy