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Errors and Ethical Questions Hit Facial Recognition Tools

A new study by the ACLU found Amazon's Rekognition software misidentified 28 members of Congress as people in arrest photos.


NetSpectre Highlights New Ways to Exploit Speculative Execution

NetSpectre is not an immediate threat: no known malware exists in the wild. The research is important because it deepens our understanding of microprocessor architecture and ways speculative execution can be abused.

Hardware, Spectre

Senator Asks NSA, DHS, NIST to End Government Use of Flash

Sen. Ron Wyden has sent a letter to the heads of the NSA, DHS, and NIST, asking them to mandate the elimination of Flash from government sites and computers.

Bluetooth Bug Lets Attackers Listen In

A flaw in the Bluetooth specification could let a nearby attacker intercept traffic between two paired devices.

Bluetooth Security

Dennis Has Some Questions About…2FA

Two-factor authentication is a vital part of many corporate security strategies, and is now offered by lots of consumer apps, as well. We wanted to see how much users know about it, so we asked one.


Google Marks Popular Sites as ‘Not Secure’ for Using HTTP

Google is done with reminders and warnings. It began marking web pages not using HTTPS as "Not Secure," and it turns out some of the world's most popular sites are affected.

Google, Encryption, Website Security

Government Seeks Answers in the Disinformation Age

Lawmakers and the federal government are looking for ways to counter influence and disinformation campaigns on social media and the wider Internet.


Disinformation as a Form of Cyber Attack

If we continue to think about cyber-warfare in the context of mass destruction and physical damage, we miss the fact that attackers are now taking more covert approaches to subvert existing systems. Disinformation is a dangerous tool.

Cybersecurity, Disinformation

Regulation of Facial Recognition Not Likely Soon

Major tech companies and some lawmakers are pushing for rules on using facial recognition systems, but federal regulation isn't on the horizon.

Facial Recognition, Privacy

Microsoft’s Bug Bounty Covers OpenID Flaws

Microsoft will do more than pay researchers bounties for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in Microsoft Account and Microsoft Entra ID in its Microsoft Identity Bounty Program. The company also wants vulnerabilities in select OpenID standards.

Microsoft, Identity, Bug Bounty

FTC Wants More Security and Privacy Authority

Two months into his job, FTC Chairman Joseph Simons says the commission needs more authority to enforce data security privacy violations.

Wyden, Rubio Ask Google and Amazon to Restore Domain Fronting

Two powerful senators have asked executives at Google and Amazon to rethink their decisions to end the use of domain fronting on their cloud networks to help protect at-risk users.

Google, Privacy

Microsoft Wants Federal Regulation of Facial Recognition Technology

Microsoft President Brad Smith is asking Congress to step in and regulate the use of facial recognition technology to help prevent abuse.

Privacy, Facial Recognition

The Rise and Rise of Business Email Compromise Scams

The FBI estimates that BEC scams have cost victims nearly $13 billion in the last year and a half, a major increase that shows no signs of being an anomaly.


Attacking Internet of Things: A Means to an End

Why are attackers interested in compromising the Internet of Things? In this Decipher video, security experts discuss what attackers are looking for when they go after Internet-connected doorbells and other smart devices.

Iot Security, Networking